Monday, July 27, 2009

Coming to terms with the terms

I have been thinking about the discussion Tony put up on study guide two around defining the terms used in e-learning. I agree that e-learning is about knowledge and processes that go beyond the computer or other technologies. After all we do not want teachers just using new tools to teach old ways. For example using a smart board as a modern black-board for whole class teaching. However I think that alongside teaching and learning processes we need to also emphasis thinking.

It is important that teachers align the use of ICTs with effective thinking models – such as enquiry learning and thinking skills models. Cleaverley (2004) promotes the idea that schools have successfully integrated ICTs into their curriculum when they align higher order thinking skills and the teachers capacity to utilize a range of teaching strategies.

The challenge is for teachers to be focused on both improving teaching practice which has a focus on thinking and learning processes through utilising rich e-learning environments.

Cleverley, B (200). Practical strategies to consider when integrating ICT
into new entrant classrooms. Computers in New Zealand Schools, 16(1),

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